If you are interested in watching a fetish porn film production being made or you are looking to make you own porn movies someday, why not come down for a day to see how it is done.

Indulge your voyeuristic pleasures by peeping into all sorts of kinky fetishes and BDSM action live in our dungeon studios.

We have to charge for this service or else we would have dozens of people, every week, just coming for a look with no intention of making a film with us, so we need to know who is seriously interested, hence the fee.

But it's a very reasonable fee and we guarantee you will be well looked after and any questions or concerns you have will be answered.

Please use the form on the right-hand side of this page if you want to WATCH a Fetish film being made.

If you wish to apply to star in a Fetish movie please use the form on this page

PS If you're thinking about starring in one of our amateur fetish porn movies but are a little nervous about being on a film set, this is also a great way to come and take a look and to see what happens before taking the plunge.

Fetishland Productions

Amateur Porn Star Recruitment Agency for Fetish Porn Movies

London and Surrey based film studios recruiting budding amateur porn stars, from around the UK, to star in our fetish movies, no experience necessary

Fetishland Productions 2013 - 2017
Bring your fetish to life

Voyeurs Application Form

Please fill in this form if you want to come and watch a fetish porn film being made. You will get to meet our all female camera crew and see exactly what happens during a film shoot.

If there are any particular types of Fetish films you want to watch being made please let us know in the box above.







or queries


Tick which types of films you would be happy watching being made

When you click the button above your information will be sent to us. We will then get back to you with some details and the cost of this service.

If you have trouble using this form simply email your request to....
